LRCC Soundbites - 16 February 2-25

In this short video Ian thinks about some of the things Jesus said about the good things God want to give to people. If God only wants good things for the people who follow Him why do bad things still happen?

LRCC Soundbites - 23 February 2025

In this short video Ian talks about some of the counter-cultural things Jesus said. His message wasn't complicated but it did go against the natural way we humans want to behave. Does His message still have relevance today?

LRCC Soundbites - 9 February 2025

In this short video Ian thinks about the way Jesus asked his first disciples to follow Him. After what they had seen and heard, how could they possibly say no!

LRCC Soundbites - 2 February 2025

In this short video Ian follows on from looking at the impact ancient prophecies can have to look at a story of how those same words can create anger and rejection. How can you do something this week to make life better for someone instead?

LRCC Soundbites - 26 January 2025

In this short video Ian looks at the impact God's words have had over the years. Christians believe the Bible is the inspired words of God - why not have a look for yourself and see what you think?

LRCC Soundbites - 19 January 2025

In this short video Ian looks at the first miracle Jesus performed. No-one made a song or dance about it and many people wouldn't have even realised. Sometimes just helping someone is enough.

LRCC Soundbites - 12 January 2025

In this short video Ian looks at Jesus getting baptised. Baptism is still something we do today. Why not find out more for yourself about what it means.

LRCC Soundbites - Christmas Special 2024

Happy Christmas! We hope you enjoy our retelling of the Christmas story!

LRCC Soundbites - 5 January 2025

In this short video Ian thinks about the visit of the wise men to see Jesus when He was still a baby. What were their gifts and what did they mean?

LRCC Soundbites - 29 December 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about Jesus as a child and how He explored something about who He was. As we prepare for 2025 why not make this year a time to explore something about Jesus yourself?

LRCC Soundbites - 1 December 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about the difference Christian faith makes to his own life - not just one part of life but everything!

LRCC Soundbites - 8 December 2024

In this short video Ian starts opening the doors of his advent calendar. There are lots of things to talk about this week from angels with messages to a stable, quiet and waiting for something amazing to happen.

LRCC Soundbites - 15 December 2024

In this short video Ian continues opening doors on his advent calendar. This week we find gold, a donkey, and a hen with her chicks amongst other reminders of what was to come on that first Christmas.

LRCC Soundbites - 22 December 2024

In this short video Ian continues opening doors on his advent calendar. This week we find shepherds, carol singers and a reminder that God is bigger than even the universe!

LRCC Soundbites - 24 November 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about the importance of the last thing we say. Often these are the words people remember long after we said them. Let's make them good words.

LRCC Soundbites - 17 November 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about the things that last forever and the things that one day fall apart.

LRCC Soundbites - 20 October 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about how we see ourselves in this world and what Jesus' response was when two of His friends asked for a very big favour.

LRCC Soundbites - 3 September 2023

In this short video Ian tells the story of a man with an obvious problem who met Jesus. In everything we have the freedom to make our own choices. Let's choose to make good choices!

LRCC Soundbites - 3 November 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about the most important laws Jesus considered we should live by. If these laws become part of our core values then maybe we will be able to make a difference to the people around us in this world.

LRCC Soundbites - 10 November 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about the value and worth of each of us. It is important that we recognise we each have our own value as well as recognising that same value in others.

LRCC Soundbites - 13 October 2024

In this short video Ian tells another story teaching us about trusting God. This time the question is how much do we rely on ourselves and how hard it can be to trust God if we think we don't need Him.

LRCC Soundbites - 6 October 2024

In this short video Ian tells the story of what happened when Jesus met some children. God wants us to feel the kind of trust in Him that a young child has in the people around them who look after them.

LRCC Soundbites - 29 September 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about relationships between friends and how following Jesus is much more similar to a friendship than following rules.

LRCC Soundbites - 22 September 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about the way the Jesus described greatness and leadership. It wasn't quite what His disciples had expected!

LRCC Soundbites - 8 September 2024

In this short video Ian tells the story of a Greek woman who went to find Jesus in desperation. Her faith was incredible and she wasn't disappointed with what she found when she spoke with Jesus.

LRCC Soundbites - 15 September 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about some advice that one of Jesus' disciples would give to Jesus' followers all over Israel in the years after Jesus went back to heaven. What we say can be powerful - do we always respect that power?

LRCC Soundbites - 4 August 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about what Jesus was saying when He told people He would give them bread that would last for ever - He even used the words "I am the bread that gives life!"

LRCC Soundbites - 11 August 2024

In this short video Ian tells the story of another run-in Jesus had with the authorities. This time they would try to trap Him in a matter of the law but Jesus pointed out that no-one is perfect!

LRCC Soundbites - 18 August 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about some advice given by a follower of Jesus called Paul as he wrote a letter to a group of Christians. Where do you go for good advice?

LRCC Soundbites - 25 August 2024

In this short video Ian tells the story of four friends - When one of them is sick and dies how will the story end if Jesus is one of those four?

LRCC Soundbites - 1 September 2024

In this short video Ian tells the story of another run-in Jesus had with the authorities. This time it's a case of "Do as I say don't do as I do".

LRCC Soundbites - 28 July 2024

In this short video Ian tells a story about Jesus going for a walk where by all rights He should not have been able to walk!

LRCC Soundbites - 21 July 2024

In this short video Ian looks right back in time at how the early Israelite nation understood God and looks at how that changed when Jesus came and died.

LRCC Soundbites - 14 July 2024

In this short video Ian tells a sad story of what happened when someone didn't consider all the implications of their words. How can we make sure we always have the right words?

LRCC Soundbites - 7 July 2024

In this short video Ian looks at what happened when Jesus went home. In contrast to last week when faith made everything work, what will happen when there is no faith?

LRCC Soundbites - 30 June 2024

In this short video Ian tells the story of a woman who had so much faith in Jesus that she just knew that even the tiniest contact with Him would completely change her life.

LRCC Soundbites - 23 June 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about stormy weather. Storms can hit us in our lives just as much as they make us wet and cold. Who can we trust when they come along?

LRCC Soundbites - 16 June 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about how Jesus used stories to explain things that were hard for people to understand. The concept of God's Kingdom might not be quite what you expected!

LRCC Soundbites - 9 June 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about our spiritual side. Most people think there is something spiritual whether or not they follow a religion so what can we do to look after this side of us?

LRCC Soundbites - 2 June 2024

In this short video Ian tells the story of what happened when some of the Jewish leaders tried to catch Jesus out and Jesus message was simple - Be Excellent to each other!

LRCC Soundbites - 26 May 2024

In this short video Ian looks at some of the things Jesus discussed with one of the most senior Jewish teachers from the temple.

LRCC Soundbites - 19 May 2024

In this short video Ian tells the story of what happened when the Jewish harvest festival came along, not long after Jesus had gone back to heaven.

LRCC Soundbites - 12 May 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about what happened to Jesus after Easter - if He came back to life where is He now?

LRCC Soundbites - 5 May 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about the depth of friendship we can have with God. Jesus Himself described it in the deepest possible terms; it's up to us to decide whether to accept it or not.

LRCC Soundbites - 28 April 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about a time when Jesus likened God to a gardener who takes good care of the vine in his vineyard. It's an image that helps us understand where the source of our life truly comes from.

LRCC Soundbites - 21 April 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about a time when Jesus likened Himself to a shepherd. Back when Jesus gave this message shepherds were known to be very protective of their sheep - much more so than someone hired to do the same job!

LRCC Soundbites - 14 April 2024

In this short video Ian talks about the proof Jesus gave His disciples that He really was alive again and leaves us to think about the relationship with God that Jesus offers us. If Christian faith is not about proof then what is it about?

LRCC Soundbites - 7 April 2024

In this short video Ian thinks about the first time the disciples met Jesus after He rose from the dead and why our experience of Jesus can be even better than theirs.

LRCC Soundbites - 31 March 2024

Happy Easter! In this special East Day Soundbite Ian talks about why today is special for Christians and invites you to explore the claims of Jesus for yourself

LRCC Soundbites - 29 March 2024

In this special Good Friday Soundbite, Ian thinks about why today is special for Christians and the difference today makes.